Frequently Asked Questions

Is The Church at Summerall Chapel for Cadets only?

TCSC is an intergenerational community open to all - including cadets, students from other colleges, community members, adults, and anyone else with a heart to learn more about Jesus. We offer and support ministries for our Citadel Cadets, and also host Children’s and Youth Programs, young adult Bible Studies, community events, and regular fellowship for all.

Where is worship held?

We worship in the beautiful Summerall Chapel, located on the Citadel Campus. To find us, go through the front gates and take your first right onto the Avenue of Remembrance. We are the second building on the right - look for the stairs and the cross on top. Parking is available along the left side of the Avenue, in front of the library, and in front of Mark Clark Hall.

What do I need to know before I come to worship?

We offer a Holy Spirit-led service that is a blend of traditional and contemporary elements. Services typically last an hour, beginning at 9 AM on Sunday mornings where we’ll sing, pray, and learn through worship together. After service, we will have a chance to fellowship and connect as a community. Wear whatever you’re comfortable in and get ready to connect with God through His church.

How can I get more connected?

Church is more than just Sunday mornings - it’s a community of people committed to learning and living the Christian faith by following the ways of Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, and in pursuit of the Father. We do this through worship, but also through weekly Bible Studies, contributing offerings and tithes to the growth of the Kingdom, mission trips and community events, fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters, and more. To plug in, click the button below and a member of our staff team would love to connect with you.