Religious life at the Citadel allows Cadets to plug into meaningful communities, mature in faith, and engage in significant spiritual, emotional, and overall growth that will last a lifetime.

Studies show that religious involvement has a significantly positive impact on student life - from academic performance to social environment, to mental and emotional health. At the Citadel, Summerall Chapel supports this positive growth through the on-staff Chaplains, Cadet Chaplain staff, supporting over 20 campus ministries, hosting Bible Studies through the chapel and in battalions, and regularly offering worship services. Additionally, Summerall Chapel conducts study abroad trips, supports mission efforts through resources and trips, and is directly involved with Religious Studies Classes. To learn more, explore the tabs above, click the “Contact” button below to fill out an inquiry form, or click the “Talk with a Chaplain” button to get connected with a member of our team.

Want to get involved?

  • Worship with us - Sundays at 9AM at TCSC

    The Church at Summerall Chapel provides a Christian, non-denominational service every Sunday at 9 AM. This is a service open to all in the community, with a special heart for our Citadel cadets. Summerall Chapel also hosts Roman Catholic Mass Sundays at 1900 as well as an Anglican Worship Service Mondays at 1830.

  • Talk with a member of our Chaplain Team

    The Citadel has a full-time Chaplain and 2 Associate Chaplains who provide 100% confidential counseling, offer student support through a variety of programs and events, and ensure the advocacy and protection of the faith practices of all students. We also have dedicated Cadet Chaplains in each battalion who are able to offer peer-to-peer mentoring and ensure the practice of religion is free for all.

  • Check out a Campus Ministry

    The Summerall Chapel proudly supports over 20 on-campus ministries designed to provide cadets a variety of ways to express and grow in their faith tradition. These groups meet during protected Religious Times on Mondays and Thursdays from 1830-1950 in locations all over campus.